Hey there!
I feel obligated to mention the unusually warm weather...I wore a skirt today (granted, it was with tights, but still...)!
Earlier this week, my really great brother came to visit for a couple days! (He's still on winter break - KSU doesn't start classes till this coming Tuesday!)
(A picture from Christmas as reference for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting him.) |
Festivities during his stay included, but were not limited to:
- co-leading my Monday night Bible study with me
- taking the kiddos I nanny for to the Children's Museum and reliving our childhood memories of that place
- watching our cousins' basketball game/dance team performance
- visiting new friends at the UNL FarmHouse
- playing piano/trumpet together at the studio
- visiting the animals (and people) at Arts Inc.
- lots of quality talking time and shared meals
I was so thankful for the time he took to come up and see for himself what my life in Lincoln entails! I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I'm even more thankful for our relationship/friendship. ☺
Those of you on Facebook may have seen my status about the following student comments, but I think they're worth sharing here, too:
- A kindergarten boy (who just started lessons a month ago) came in with super exciting news: "My dad started piano lessons on Saturday, and guess who his teacher is!?!?!" I, of course, asked, "Who?!?!" He replied, "
- After a semi-tough lesson (for a student who is used to everything coming very easy the first time), complete with a little frustration (on his part), I asked one of my second grade boy students if he had any questions or comments. He responded, "Yes, one comment:
you are a very good teacher."
On an unrelated note, did I ever write about the
Ugly Christmas Sweater party I went to? I don't think I did... You should know, though, that I won second place! (Second only to a man dressed as Ron Burgundy - hardly festive.) Here's the best pic I have of the award-winning garment:
I found it somewhat accidentally at Goodwill for $5!! It showcases some impressive bead work, shiny threads mixed into some strands of yarn, fuzzy Angora "snow," and beautiful artwork on the back, too. |
Enjoy the weekend, dear friends! Thanks for reading! ☺
Until next time,
P.S. If you're anything like some people I've come in contact with, lately, you might be wondering about my glasses. No, they're not new - I've had them for over 5 years. No, I don't wear them all the time. It seems that their appearances are increasingly becoming as frequent as "contact days," though. For this, I have no explanation.
Favorites of the day:
1/2 price Christmas piano music
stamping weekend!
Scramble with Friends