Sunday, January 27, 2013

Coolest gift...and CMA...and stuff

I sure hope you're reading this while wearing sweats, snuggled up on the couch with a blanket, a warm beverage, and a good movie.

It has been a really excellent weekend here!  Lots of quality time with various friends, doing everything from playing games and catching up on life, to hitting up the 99-cent clothing sale at Goodwill and driving the Razor around in the beautiful weather!

I just have a couple things to show you:

1. This is a video about a class I teach at the studio called Children's Music Academy.  It's one I'm sure I've written about before, but it's always tough to explain, and this video does a pretty good job of it.  Though we don't teach at their facility in Colorado, this is the curriculum we use...and I love it!  Click here for the link.

2. My brother made these for each of my parents and I for Christmas:
They're pieces of scrap granite he got at a counter top store that he mounted wood with specifically-picked Bible verses Modge-Podged on it.  They look really cool, and what was even more thoughtful were the explanations of why he chose the verses he did that accompanied the gifts themselves.  ☺

I feel like this is a pretty lame post, but...c'est la vie, I suppose.  Let me know if you have anything exciting to share!  ☺


Favorites of the day:
unexpectadly checking something specific off my bucket list
brownies with ice cream

Friday, January 18, 2013

There's really no universal title for this post...sorry!

Hey there!

I feel obligated to mention the unusually warm weather...I wore a skirt today (granted, it was with tights, but still...)!

Earlier this week, my really great brother came to visit for a couple days!  (He's still on winter break - KSU doesn't start classes till this coming Tuesday!)
(A picture from Christmas as reference for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting him.)
Festivities during his stay included, but were not limited to:

  • co-leading my Monday night Bible study with me
  • taking the kiddos I nanny for to the Children's Museum and reliving our childhood memories of that place
  • watching our cousins' basketball game/dance team performance
  • visiting new friends at the UNL FarmHouse
  • playing piano/trumpet together at the studio
  • visiting the animals (and people) at Arts Inc.
  • lots of quality talking time and shared meals
I was so thankful for the time he took to come up and see for himself what my life in Lincoln entails!  I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I'm even more thankful for our relationship/friendship.  ☺

Those of you on Facebook may have seen my status about the following student comments, but I think they're worth sharing here, too:
- A kindergarten boy (who just started lessons a month ago) came in with super exciting news: "My dad started piano lessons on Saturday, and guess who his teacher is!?!?!" I, of course, asked, "Who?!?!" He replied, "ME!!!"
- After a semi-tough lesson (for a student who is used to everything coming very easy the first time), complete with a little frustration (on his part), I asked one of my second grade boy students if he had any questions or comments.  He responded, "Yes, one comment: you are a very good teacher."

On an unrelated note, did I ever write about the Ugly Christmas Sweater party I went to?  I don't think I did...  You should know, though, that I won second place!  (Second only to a man dressed as Ron Burgundy - hardly festive.)  Here's the best pic I have of the award-winning garment:
I found it somewhat accidentally at Goodwill for $5!!
It showcases some impressive bead work, shiny threads mixed into some strands of yarn, fuzzy Angora "snow," and beautiful artwork on the back, too.
Enjoy the weekend, dear friends!  Thanks for reading!  ☺

Until next time,

P.S. If you're anything like some people I've come in contact with, lately, you might be wondering about my glasses.  No, they're not new - I've had them for over 5 years.  No, I don't wear them all the time.  It seems that their appearances are increasingly becoming as frequent as "contact days," though.  For this, I have no explanation. 

Favorites of the day:
1/2 price Christmas piano music
stamping weekend!
Scramble with Friends

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A few loose ends from 2012...and the beginning of 2013!

Happy 2013!  I hope your year is off to an excellent start - mine sure is!

I am so thankful to have such a flexible work schedule!  I had the past two weeks off at the studio, and since I set my own hours at my other jobs, I was able to spend 8 days at home (in Topeka) with my family!  We spent lots of quality time watching movies, playing games (including racquetball), eating, running errands, etc., and it was wonderful!  I was also able to go bridesmaid/wedding dress shopping with my best friend (who is getting married this summer!!) - both priceless experiences I was so very thankful to have been able to be a part of.

On my way back to Lincoln, I stopped at my adult student's house in Pawnee City for lunch!  She was anxious for me to meet her husband and see her new piano (they got a great deal on a baby grand on Craigslist).  We had a lovely time eating the delicious lunch she made and playing their beautiful new piano (we played a couple duets and they asked me to play quite a few solos, too).

So, after my week-plus at home, I was still able to come back to the coop and have nearly a whole week to do whatever I wanted!  That has mostly included taking down Christmas decorations, putting in some quality time at Arts Inc. (added a new duty to my list: videographer of a surprise combo performance of "When the Saints Go Marching In" for a gentleman as he was pulling out of his driveway en route to his last day of work before retirement), but also some great evening outings with friends, a morning spent in my roomie's first grade classroom, and relaxing time at the coop.

My parents' Christmas gift to me was money intended for the purchase of a new T.V.!  I inherited the one I grew up watching (that my parents purchased before I was born), and that's what we've been using!  It still worked fine, but was slightly dated, so I guess they thought we deserved a newer model.  In the meantime, one of my uncle's coworkers got a new flat-screen...on the condition that he got rid of his current T.V.  So, when I arrived at the coop after my time at home, this is what greeted me:
The man had given the T.V. away for free, and my very capable uncle and cousin delivered and installed it at the coop!  So, then, I thought I'd use my Christmas money for a T.V. stand.  I was taking measurements and trying to envision what might work best, but we couldn't get over how well the old T.V. worked as a stand for the new one.  We kind-of joked about knocking out the screen and installing an aquarium, and that conversation led to the destruction of the whole T.V. with the intent to use it as a stand!  Here's the end result:  
My super-handy uncle volunteered to put in some shelves once it gets warmer outside/in his shop!
Also got a pretty awesome prop for a Halloween or some other costume out of the deal!
So, I put my Christmas money toward the purchase of a slip cover for our "gently" used couch, and now, we have a "new" living room!  Gotta love reusing/re-purposing/recycling...and handy uncles who are generous with their time and efforts.  ☺

That's all I've got, for now!  Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

New Year-ly,

P.S.  I'd like to remind you that I don't really make New Year's, no need to anticipate a post about them!  ☺

Favorites of the day:
spending quality time with friends, near and far
my electric blanket (not a new fave, I know, but I sure missed it when I was gone!)

Here's the "after" picture - love it!