I hope this finds you all well and enjoying the week! I feel like it's much more enjoyable now, because the sun is out! Wohoo!!!
As of 2 minutes ago, my blog pageviews count was 1,998. So, I'm going to go ahead and thank you for the 2,000 views (that's close to 350 views a month)! I feel incredibly blessed to have so many people caring to read what I have to share about life. I hope you have gained something from it and/or have been able to share it with others. Thanks in advance for the next 2,000! : )
I have a little Charlie story for you:
I took time this morning to do some yoga (found a video online). As I was doing the various poses, Charlie was weaving in and out of my legs and arms. He eventually lost interest and did his own thing, until the end. I was laying on my back doing the relaxing thing at the end, and he came over meowing in a very concerned way. He was walking all over me, licking my arms, and nuzzling my face. I'm assuming he was checking to make sure I was still alive. : ) Once I opened my eyes and acknowledged him, he laid down to relax, too, using my arm as a pillow. Now, he's curled up on my lap, asleep. I can just here the "Aww!"s...haha. Once again, you're always welcome to come visit him! I can't guarantee he'll be this sweet when you're here, though. : )
I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter! May you all be mindful of the magnitude of the events of these next few days all those years ago. In case you're memory is failing you, here's what happened in a nutshell: Jesus (the King of Kings) was beaten, died on the cross for our sins, and was raised from the dead three days later before He ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God. Did you catch that second part? - He died on the cross for US...because He loved us. That love is what I've chosen to base my life on, and if it's not reason to praise and worship Him everyday, I don't know what is. Easter is probably my favorite church service of the year ("Christ the Lord is Risen Today" is in my top 5 favorite hymns). It's such a joyful celebration of new life, love, and the hope we have in our Lord. I hope you are able to join in this celebration and spend some time with family and friends in honor of the holiday.
Thanks again for reading!
Favorites of the day:
Trader Joe's (esp. their tzatziki sauce)
the conversation I had with the 3-yr.-old I nanny for yesterday about dinosaurs/sharks/people and mammals/carnivores/humans
my family coming here for the weekend
Are you playing trumpet for "Christ the Lord is Risen Today"? At my church, my cousin always plays the trumpet with that song at the beginning and end of the service. What a great tradition! Love you!