Thursday, June 21, 2012

Impulse...wild it what you will.

Hey there!

Really quick - a couple stories before I get to the real reason for this post:

Charlie's latest "thing" - jumping up and hanging onto door frames.  Yep - he leaps almost 5 feet into the air and hugs door frames...for no apparent reason.

Also, one of my teenage boy students drew this (to earn a "motivation system" point):

And now, drumroll, please....

I bought this today!
For those of you who care, it's an Alvarez from the '80s.
Here's the explanation:
Since so many families take vacations, have baseball games, etc. during the month of June, I have quite a bit of downtime at the studio due to them missing lessons.  So, while teaching in the room with lots of guitars in it, I decided to pick one up, and with the help of a book, try to learn a bit.  I enjoyed learning something new so much that I wanted to be able to continue the learning at home!  I talked to one of the guitar teachers about it, and he pointed me to a local guitar shop (where he also works and which happens to be right across the street from the studio), and I went on over there during a break today...and walked out with a guitar!  I'm looking forward to the challenge and potential it presents!  Any suggestions or tips are welcome!  ☺

That's all, for now.

Happy Friday (almost)!


Favorites of the day:

"Appletini" Crystal Light
teacher discounts
fresh pineapple

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