Monday, August 3, 2020

J's Golden Birthday

When it's your last birthday as an only child, in the middle of a global pandemic, your dad's off work, AND it's your golden birthday (turning 3 on the 3rd (of July)), you get to do whatever you want all day long.  It was his best day ever (if you want to have a day with a toddler void of behavior issues and/or disciplinary action, just let them call the shots all day long), and we so enjoyed spending it with him!

I'll let the pictures tell the story of our day.  ☺

Breakfast included donuts with sprinkles, of course. 
This early bird got to go pick out his own in his pajamas!
As you may know about him, all he wanted for his birthday was "frosting cupcakes with sprinkles," so we made cupcakes before 10 a.m.
Delivered these art projects as part of his non-birthday-party favors to friends, but had to test one out for ourselves. 
The cherry tomatoes finally turned red just in time to pick while the cupcakes baked! 
They didn't make it to the house.  ☺
Cucumbers were ready, too!
What a great morning to try out his new bubble birthday present from friends.
While the cupcakes cooled, they tried out another birthday gift - a robot from Aunt Roo!
Yellow frosting, of course.
He could do this all day. ♥
(One of his current favorites: "The Pokey Little Puppy.")
When making the party favor delivery, friends invited us in for a quick gift-opening!
Also received several special cards and packages in the mail.
He even got to pick out Mom and Dad's shirts for the day.
A man of simple tastes, he requested mac & cheese for lunch and a cheese sandwich (with puffs and grapes and chocolate milk, of course) for supper.
Birthday PJ's!

This lucky kiddo also got to have small birthday celebrations with both sides of our family!  The first was a half-way-between-KC-and-OK party in the park, complete with construction decorations and delicious cupcakes!

The second was a yellow("golden") theme that included an entirely yellow lunch menu, and again, cupcakes.  Yellow is his favorite color.  ☺
Notice he put his arms around both of us.

As the cliché goes, he's growing up too fast.  It's been so fun to watch, though, and we're so glad to get to be his parents!  He deserved, appreciated, and was truly excited by all the celebrations in his honor, which is why we took advantage of an opportunity to spoil him a bit.  Thanks to all who took part, both near and far!

3-ly (I know this is weak...let me know if you come up with something better),

Favorites of the day:
the weather this week!
sweet, growing families
garden-fresh caprese salad (and a toddler who likes it, too!)

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