Happy 2012, all! I've told you before I'm not one to make new year's resolutions, so that's not what this post is going to be about.
Instead, I'd like to tell you a little about my wonderful break! Most importantly, I've been able to spend some quality time with some of the people I love most! I've traveled some, relaxed quite a bit, played some awesome games, watched some quality movies, and eaten some absolutely delicious food! All this was possible, because my primary occupation runs on the school calendar...which means I still get school breaks! Can't tell you how thankful I am for that...and for my other employers' flexibility.
Don't worry - I have worked some since I've been back in town. It's been strange (and nice!) to go to one job in the morning and come straight home when I'm done. It's also been nice to have some quality time to get lots done while I'm there!
If you read my last post, you're familiar with some of the precious gifts I received from my students (check it out if you haven't, yet!). I've also received some super cute picture cards and letters from some of you and truly appreciate being added to your Christmas lists! Charlie and I had a great time in Topeka, again, and were able to give and unwrap some wonderful gifts.
I'm so very thankful to have a family who is willing to house (and babysit) Charlie. It relieves the stress and guilt of leaving him home alone, which in turn allows me to fully enjoy my time away. He's never without someone to play with, and as a result, this was a common occurrence at various times during the day (until Dad kicked him off the furniture☺):Speaking of Christmas gifts...and Charlie - Do you remember a certain gift I received last year? My family gave me the items and other means to adopt a kitten. I waited till I was back in Lincoln to pick one out, and one year ago today, I adopted Charlie. I won't get sappy on you, but it was a pretty great gift. ☺
Lastly, for those of you who don't live in Nebraska, I just thought you should know that it was 68-degrees today. I resisted the temptation to wear flip-flops...and later wished I had.
If you have a resolution you'd like to share, feel free! I might write about a couple of things I plan to do better this year in a later post...we'll see.
Favorites of the day:
being able to go out on a whim
road trips
checking things off my to-do lists
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