This week was the first week of lessons after break. I've gained a few more students and a couple group classes (CMA - Children's Music Academy), so even though I said my schedule was full last semester, it's really full this semester. No complaints here, though - they're all wonderful students and I love seeing/helping them grow, musically and otherwise!
Speaking of my students, I asked a few of them if they made any New Year's resolutions/goals (in order to create a segue into piano/trumpet/practicing/etc. goals for the new semester). Some of them had some fairly generic ones, but one really impressed me. I asked my 13-yr.-old trumpet student if he'd made any, and the first resolution out of his mouth was, "Grow closer to God." This was followed by, "Get straight A's." and eventually, "Practice trumpet more." I was pleasantly surprised by his willingness and shamelessness in sharing this (the first resolution) with me.
I believe I told you last year that I'm not one to make resolutions, myself, but due to a few falls off the "good habits" wagon in December and the holiday season, I have one main goal for the new year: to be "up and around" at a decent time (before my teacher roommie leaves the coop) each morning. This will also mean I need to be in bed at a decent time...I'd become somewhat of a night owl before the break started and realized this would be a real hard habit to break if/when I had to, so decided to break it before that time came. As a result of being up in the morning long before my obligations for the day begin, I will be able to accomplish other daily life goals, such as: reading a few Bible chapters and prayer journaling, working out at the Y, practicing trumpet, misc. housework, blogging, etc. I'll also have time to eat a healthy breakfast and pack a smart lunch and snacks for the day.
It's all been going well, so far! Feel free to hold me accountable to any/all of it.
Now, to ask a favor of you all:
I've asked this a few times before, but I'd really love any questions/topics of conversations/post requests you might have! Having some "starters" would make it a little easier to keep this scoop fresh! ; )
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
P.S. Mark your calendars for a FREE lunchtime recital on January 27th - lunch and music provided for free starting at 12:10! More to come on that later...but for now, know that this is one of the reasons I'm practicing more lately. : )
Favorites of the day:
free cupcakes for giving blood (or trying to)
Sleepless in Seattle
stamping weekend
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