Saturday, September 25, 2021

34 & 4

I started to write a Facebook post thanking many of you for the birthday wishes and realized if I said all I wanted, it would be much longer than is socially acceptable for that platform.  ☺  So, here's a blog post that now will probably have too many words for its kind...haha.  All for the sake of posterity and to give you, dear readers, a light read.

I really did have a nice birthday.  I felt celebrated and special and loved.  That said, it wasn't without its hard moments.  Despite being excited about my birthday and all the festivities, Jacob had an unusually rough day.  I heard there was a full moon, so maybe that was it?  Could also have been the higher-than-normal levels of sugar in his system...or the transition we're making to "rest/quiet time," rather than nap time.  Perhaps he was feeling Bryant's long work days (including the weekend), as he was heading up a big installation project at work and wasn't getting home till after supper or close to bedtime all weekend/week.  Regardless of the reason, Jacob had high highs and low lows on my birthday, which made it difficult for me to answer "Was your birthday fun?!" or "Did you get some time to yourself?" questions or respond honestly to "Hope your birthday was so wonderful!"-type comments.

In the name of transparency and honesty, here were some of the highlights of the day, along with the moments that are not typically featured in the highlight reel:
Jacob woke up asking where I wanted to go to lunch for my birthday, because Bryant had coached him (and given him money) to take me out.  Here he is paying for our meal.  ♥
(While we were getting shoes on to leave for lunch, Jacob was upset about something else and said he wasn't excited to take me to lunch, anymore, and didn't like me or my birthday.  After the difficult morning we'd already had, this made me cry.  So, everyone had shed tears before 11 a.m. that day.  I know this may be typical for others in this season of life, which is fine and understandable, but it's not necessarily our norm, and the fact that it was happening on a special/out-of-the-ordinary day just made it all extra sad and disappointing.  He immediately started trying to make me feel better, and of course, got over whatever he'd been upset about and regained his excitement (even if it was partially due to the fact that he'd be getting to order his favorite things, as well).)
We've had very few lunch dates, due to COVID, so Lydia was also thrilled to be out and eating somewhere new.
(We started out eating outside, but the store next door was having concrete work done, so it was too loud and dusty to stay.)
A super-thoughtful friend made this surprise delivery that included activities for Jacob to keep him out of my hair for a bit!  These were my first Crumbl cookies, and they were oh-so-yummy.
(Jacob asked (and whined about non-yes answers) incessantly about these cookies the rest of the week till they were gone.)  
We made homemade pizza with the last of our garden-fresh tomatoes and basil!  Bryant had made and frozen pizza dough a couple weeks prior and was planning to make this for my bday supper, but didn't make it home in time to do so.  Jacob was planning on helping make (and eat) pizza, so we did it, anyway.
(Turns out, Jacob only wanted to help so he could eat the pizza dough off his fingers, so he only made it through the not-pictured pepperoni pizza before losing interest and incessantly asking when it would be done (and if we could have more cookies for dessert).  Also, Lydia was hangry and whining/crying at my feet the entire time I was putting this one together.)
Even after working nearly 12 hours, Bryant still made a point to bring me birthday flowers.
(This one's a highlight through and through. ☺)
Not pictured: the special movie time Jacob and I had together after a shortened rest time for him.  I rarely join him for "screen time," because I'm often using it as a tool to accomplish a task of my own on my own.  While he was thrilled he was getting to watch a movie (something we do sparingly) and that I was watching with him (even more rare), he still initially pushed back about me being the one to choose the movie. *eye roll*

Also not pictured were the countless celebratory messages, as well as other thoughtful cards and generous gifts.  Thanks to many of you for making me feel so special and loved in these ways!  I truly appreciate it.

Another highlight: today!  I don't have a lot of photo evidence, but today was my make-up-birthday-day-to-myself.  My day included redeeming a few bday freebies, bargain shopping, a walk by the river, a pedicure, as well as a few other errands.  
If you're not a member of the SPIN Pizza birthday club, sign up right now.  This was free, and I enjoyed every bite!
Birthday freebies not pictured: alllll the free coffee drinks, CFA cookie, Panera pastry, Andy's custard cone, Target discount, Chipotle side...I could go on and on.  Not all of these were redeemed today, mind you, and there are more to come!  Thank goodness they don't all have to be used the day of - you know how I hate to miss out on a deal.  ;)
I ate this meal outside, by myself, enjoying the beautiful weather and sunshine, and actual book...for pleasure!  This (reading for pleasure) is something I haven't done in many years; pre-kids, certainly, and maybe even prior to that.  While it's something I enjoy, it's not something I always feel able to do guilt-free.  As a result, when asked what my favorite book is, I'm often at a loss and revert to one of the only books I remember reading as a kid: Mandy by Julie Andrews.  (Yes, THE Julie Andrews...I didn't remember she was the author - or maybe I never really knew or appreciated that fact.)  My memory often fails me, and I'm not one to re-read books, so I just don't remember specific favorites well.  This one, however, has always stuck out, so I recently checked it out from the library and have been re-reading it (gasp!).  It's a sweet story, and it has been a pleasure to read it again.  I'm hopeful re-flexing this muscle will create room for a restored reading rhythm.

I'm currently writing this from the backseat of the car (windows down) in the parking lot of a shopping center, so I can enjoy the beautiful weather while using the WiFi.  Super glamorous, I know.  Since I'm just now weaning Lydia, today is the longest I've been away from both kiddos in over a year, and it has been so refreshing
Edit to add: Belated birthday cake was waiting for me when I got home!
The picture doesn't do this one justice.  I love a strawberry cake, and I love earthquake cake, so my sweet hubby found one that is BOTH of these!  Yum.

Since I'm free as a bird, right now, I'd also like to take time to document Jacob's 4th birthday...which was in July.  Woops.  A man of simple tastes, he chose a "donut" theme.  We had a couple small family gatherings as well as a couple celebratory playdates with friends, and it was all so fun!  While we try hard not to spoil him and strive to raise children who do not feel entitled, it is also such a joy to see him excited.  So, our gifts to him were things we were really excited to give him, and we were anxious to see his reactions.
The first surprise was renting the Menards van for a ride around the neighborhood and picnic in the back.  He went from shock to confusion to delight as he saw the van pulling into our driveway, realized Daddy was driving it, and was told it was there for him to explore.
He was gifted a toy Menards van a couple years ago, because it's one of his favorite places to go, and he immediately ran to get it to compare to the real thing.
He was right at home!
Don't worry - we'll wait a few years before we let him take it out of the driveway.  ;)
Pre-birthday picnic of choice: Wendy's.  He almost didn't finish his meal in time for us to take the van back, because he had so many questions and comments about it.

He kicked off his birthday with an extra (free) donut hole from his favorite shop while picking up donuts for his party.
Then, he got to open his gifts from us (so he and Daddy could play while I got ready for the party...haha).
He started asking for Legos shortly after Bryant found a great would-be Lego table at a garage sale and I'd stocked up on a few sets when they were on sale.  So, Jacob's wish was granted before he wished it.  (This was also the first time he's ever asked for a specific gift for a birthday/holiday.)
I found this set NEW at a thrift store...
...and the green base plates NEW at a garage sale!
Mission accomplished.  ☺
This gift has served every intended purpose.  Not only was he so excited to receive it, but he's played with Legos nearly every day since.  While his preference is to play with others, it's also one of the few things he will do independently for an extended period of time.  It's so fun to watch his imagination and skills grow in such a tangible way.
His birthday surprises continued with Lydia's first ponytail.  He was genuinely surprised and thrilled by it and wanted everyone to see!
He surprised my by asking to help decorate for his party, and after I talked him down from thinking everything needed to look exactly like last year's party (I think he thought parties were always the same), I truly appreciated and enjoyed the help.
Kicked off the party with the kiddos decorating their own rice krispie treat "donuts."
Jacob refers to Cheerios as "donut seeds" all the time, so these party favors were a must.
Thanks to a 2-lb. bag of sprinkles from Amazon, we had a sprinkle relay race!
Is it really a donut party if you don't play this eat-a-donut-without-your-hands game (for which I don't have a you?)?
I took the easy way out and let his choice of donut serve as his cake, and he was totally good with it.
He was going through a phase of conducting his bedtime song every night, so it occurred to him to apply his skills to this larger "choir" and went so far as to coach them saying, "This means stop."

Bless those of you who made it this far.  I know it was a lot of details, but I also know if you're still reading, you're absolutely here for it all.  Thanks for taking an interest in the happenings of our little corner of the world!

A year older-ly,

Favorites of the day:
fall - I try not to be too cliché or trendy about this, but I really do love much
this this outfit (one of few I've bought for her a consignment sale, of course)...posing like this (something she'd never done before, and hasn't done since)
discovering this little shopping cart at not-our-usual-HyVee and watching this kiddo be a confident expert shopper

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