Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Our Favorite Things: 2015

“Our Favorite Things: 2015”

Lyrics by: Bryant & Kensy Byers
To the tune of: “My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Music

New jobs and good jobs and trips to the mountains,
BSF, small groups, and praise team rehearsals,
A season to celebrate Jesus’ birth…these are a few of our favorite things.

Family time, good friend time, and new adventures,
Seared steak and cookies and sweet surprise flowers,
Ballroom dance lessons and grand piano strings…these are a few of our favorite things.

DIY projects and seeing new movies,
Our dog and friends’ dogs and even our kitty,
Concerts and cooking and dates at the range…these are a few of our favorite things.

When it’s trash day, and a raccoon, opens up our bag…
We simply remember our favorite things, and then we don’t feel so bad.

Toddlers and students and funny coworkers,
Netflix, vacations, and chats with the neighbors.
Warm, cozy nights that do not have to end…these are a few of our favorite things.

Fresh air and trimmed hair and time at the pool,
Long walks and Zumba and good bargain hunting,
Weddings and parties and Amazon Prime…these are a few of our favorite things.

New tools and Craigslist and clearance at Target,
Pen pals and board games and notes in the mail,
Road trips and cooking and trying new things…these are a few of our favorite things.

And when we’re asked, more than one time, when we’re having kids?
We’ll simply say, “We plan to wait just a bit,” and in the meantime, we’ll live… 

Thank you for reading/singing! Wishing you and yours a blessed holiday season! May you find time to enjoy some of your favorite things now and in the New Year to come.

Kensy & Bryant

Favorites of the day:
our Christmas tree
Masterchef Jr.
these two:
When we finished their puzzles, they said "Keke, let's take a picture!!"

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Good times in the Good Life

Hey, all!

Usually, this time of year, I'd say something like, "Hope this finds you well and warm!" Buuut...I'm fairly certain most of you are probably staying warm enough this uncharacteristic December, so we'll leave it at, "Hope this finds you well!"

Also - normally, after going this long without writing, I'd give some sort of explanation as to why you haven't heard from me in a while. Buuut...I really have no, I'm not going to make one up. I will give you a heartfelt apology, though - sorry it's been so long, friends!

Ok. Now, we can move from the appetizers to the entrée of this post:

I'm (still) in love with Lincoln.

Not that I'm not learning to also love KC - I really am and really do love so many things about my increasingly-less-new home - but Lincoln will always hold a special place in my heart. This is due, largely in part, to the fact that so many people who hold special places in my heart live there.

The reason I'm telling you this is because I was able to make a (short) trip back last week(end). It was wonderful. It was lovely. It filled my bucket to the brim, and then some! And I really can't put into words how much it meant to me to be able to go back to a place I don't live anymore and feel completely at home (a second home!). To be able to "pick back up where we left off" with everyone I was able to visit this trip back is a testament to the relationships I was blessed to build during my time there and maintain at a distance since I left.

The trip began with lunch at school with the kiddos I used to nanny for (you may remember them from several posts...including this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, among others).
She and I used to visit her brother at school during lunchtime.
Now, she is the one to be visited.
Though it isn't documented, he's still willing to give me a hug (or two or three) in public. 
I'll count that as a win. ; )
Really can't believe how much they've grown...but still love them so!
I also got to spend the afternoon with their amazing mother and stick around for their school Christmas program rehearsal! Precious kiddos singing (proudly and beautifully) about Jesus? Be still my heart.

Then, after a trip down memory lane visiting a dear cousin who happens to live in my old dorm at NWU, as well as a lovely dinner and catch-up time with former coworkers/current friends, I got to spend the night at the coop!
Look who was waiting for me in bed!You may remember a post about this...☺
Coopmates for life!
The next day started with a friends' annual party (one of the coolest parties ever, by the way...details upon request) and lots of quality time with friends...
"These are a few of my favorite things..." ☺
...and ended with a surprise visit to another party!
I just really love when my friends are friends!
I was very thankful for good weather and safe travels all around. The timing worked really perfectly to squeeze everyone/everything in this time around - it was all meant to be! Though I wasn't able to see everyone I would've liked, I made the most of the time I had and was very glad to see those I did.

That's all, for now, I think. Except - can you believe it's the middle of December, already?! Sheesh. Sure do love this time of year, though!

And I love you all! ☺

Holiday spirit-ly,

Favorites of the day:
cheesy Christmas movies
middle school band concerts
Ok, maybe not actually a favorite thing, but I do love getting to support my students!
AND we learned about a free jingle bell app...check it out!
Christmas baking
The other treats that have been made so far didn't get their photo shoot in before they were