The last several weeks have been...hard. I'm not sure that adjective encapsulates everything that we've been dealing with, but it is as good a descriptor as any. It's seemed that as soon as we put out one fire, another one starts (not literally, thankfully, though the way things have been going, it would not have surprised me to see some actual, unexpected flames).
I'm an optimist, as you've probably gathered, and my husband is a constant helper and fixer, so we were able to keep our chins up and take on each new trial as it came. The trials just kept coming, though, and it became harder and harder to maintain a clear mind and a positive outlook. With the help of the Lord and our village, however, we've come out mostly unscathed and are (fingers crossed) regaining some sense of normalcy around here.
The people in our "village" did not ask for acknowledgment, and in fact, I know one in particular would cringe at the thought of being publicly recognized for kind deeds done. As I look back on the hard things these last several weeks have brought, though, I can't not remember and acknowledge the things people have done to make our life easier in the midst of it all. They've seen needs and met them without being asked. They've voluntarily cared for us in ways we can never begin to repay. They've come alongside us physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually in such tangible and practical ways, and I'm simply in awe of the generosity, kindness, and love we've been shown.
Our "village" has truly been the hands and feet of Christ to us, recently. They always have been, of course, but I think I have possibly taken it for granted, or maybe just not always recognized it so clearly when life wasn't so "hard." I'd like to take this opportunity, however, to acknowledge some of the specific ways we have been blessed by others in the recent past. Our "village" is made up of both family and friends, and some of them were part of multiple deeds listed here. Please know this is not a comprehensive list, by any means.
Lately, people in our "village" have been known to:
- invite us over for leftover cupcakes, because they knew how sad we were to miss the party.
- clean our house while they're there to let the dog out.
- make serious headway on our basement remodeling project while we were away for the weekend.
- sit with me while I make and accept the hardest decision.
- babysit our kiddo for free while I was away making that decision.
- watch our kiddo during piano lessons because plans changed last-minute.
- ask us to come swim because they enjoy watching our baby play in the water as much as we do.
- offer to come for a visit the week before we throw a birthday party, so they can help.
- put away leftovers after a party without being asked.
- bring me a sweet commemorative gift in honor of our kitty.
- invite us to stay at their house till our AC is fixed immediately upon telling them it broke (several people did this, and we actually took one of them up on it).
- cook meals for us while we're staying at their house.
- give input and genuinely care about our son's mysterious rash (it turned out to be nothing serious).
- give us Freon for our AC.
- bring their special tools to help fix our AC.
We're safe, healthy, cool (praise the Lord), and grateful. If you did something on this list for us, thank you. You know who you are, and if I haven't said it enough already, you've blessed us beyond measure. If you feel I'm leaving something/someone out, please, please let me know. It would be impossible to list everything anyone has ever done for us, but like I said, the large and small things people have done for us, lately, just added up so quickly, I couldn't help but share.
P.S. Immediately prior to posting this, my computer died (because it wasn't plugged in, though I thought it was) - wouldn't that have been the cherry on top of all this? Ha.
Favorites of the day:
the splash park
garden-fresh cherry tomatoes
the fact that our baby boy loves to read to himself