Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas : )

I'm often reminded of the many blessings in my life, but during this time of year, these blessings seem to be magnified.  So, as I take a break from packing to go home in the morning, I'd like to reiterate how thankful I am for the people, opportunities, relationships, health, and freedom in my life.

What I am most thankful for, however, is the grace and love of God our Heavenly Father.  I don't want to sound like a cliché Christianese message, but really - what gift could possibly be better than eternal life through the life and death of His one and only Son?!  (Don't forget about the Holy Spirit!  More about that later...)  Anyway, I hope you're able to see past all the "extra stuff" (yes, that's an understatement) today's society has tacked onto Christmas and remember that "it's all just about a little guy." (quote from a friend's first grade student)

May your Christmas and holiday season be full of love, joy, family, and a spirit of giving and gratitude.  Safe travels to those of you doing so, as well!


P.S.  If anyone is craving any sort of homemade "goodie" and does not have the means to curb that craving, let me know - I probably have what you hunger for in my growing collection of treat plates/bags/platters.  Don't get me wrong - it's all very good - but I'm only one person...who is also saving room for Mom's cooking.  : )

Favorites of the day:
the good weather (so far) for travelers
my work schedule that allows me the luxury of going home for an extended period of time!
Oreo balls
getting all gussied up and going to the Nutcracker (for free!) with friends last weekend

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