Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Coop!

Hello and happy one week before Christmas!

I know this week is going to fly by, so I wanted to get this post out there before time gets away from me. 

The following is my Christmas letter for this year.  Some of you have already read it, and it won't be news to most of you, but thought someone might want to read it:

Dear friends,                                                                                                              
I hope this finds you well as the year comes to an end.  As we endure the craziness this time of year brings, may we all remember the Reason for the season and take time to soak in the beauty and nostalgia of Christmas.  In honor of my love of baking and trying new recipes, I’d like to give you a glimpse at my year in the form of a recipe.  Enjoy! 

Kensy’s Recipe for 2011
1 refurbished chicken coop (and 2 terrific landlords)         
1 city (Lincoln, NE)                                                
a few really great roommates                                       
1 new cat, Charlie (from local shelter)
2 wonderful parents (empty nesters in Topeka)               
1 amazing brother (junior in mechanical engineering at KSU)
1 blog (and many faithful readers!) –
5 jobs (each with its own spectacular boss and fabulous coworkers)
37 music students (give or take a few depending on the time of year; including mostly piano, except for one trumpet student (more during the summertime) and many precious musical moments)
2 Bible studies (young adults and single women)             
several handy and helpful local mechanics
1 band tour to Denver (Yes, I already graduated.  They needed a horn player, and I was able to play the part.)
2 summer trips to Colorado (one to Denver for a cousin’s wedding and one to Estes Park with the family and church/friend group from Topeka), both beautiful and indescribably incredible
3 college friends on a trip to Fort Lauderdale, FL (first non-school-related, non-family vacation…and it was glorious!)
1 run-out weekend mission trip to Joplin, MO (including distribution center help and fellowship with young adult Bible study members)
a couple trips to Topeka (Fourth of July, player piano party, Thanksgiving,
numerous hours spent with friends and family (watching movies, playing games, eating, dancing, etc.)           

Evenly mix jobs in with ingredients listed above them, sprinkling in other ingredients occasionally, until just combined.  Pour into mold made of countless God-given blessings and bake at varying temperatures for 365 days.  Leave finished product in plain view for the purpose of remembering and enjoying the process of its creation, but anticipate the similar, but deliciously different, year to come.
Yield: 1 year/365 days/8,760 hours/525,600 minutes (cue Rent song)
Note: an eligible bachelor would accompany this recipe well, if one can be located… : )

Here's Charlie modeling his Christmas outfit for my parents when we were home for Thanksgiving.  Surprisingly, he doesn't mind it - he actually seems to like the hood part and only tries to take it off if the neck or belt straps are too tight.

Here begin the Christmas card picture attempts (I only included a few)...I'd like to say a big "thank you!" to our photographer!  : )
This was the "good one" from the night.
This is blurry, but such a cute moment!  When he sits sweetly under the tree, I sometimes wonder if he is trying to remind me that he was my favorite Christmas present last year.  : )
So, there you have it!  You might be hearing from me again before the end of the year, but if not, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Favorites of the day:
yesterday's festivities (student recital, parents, friends, and the Nutcracker)
Christmas music
great coworkers

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